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There are currently four scanners in the scanner archive:



Users are encouraged to play and experience scanning. Question to consider when looking at the scanners:

What types of materials are commonly used throughout?

Where do these materials (silicon, aluminum, rubber, metal alloys, plastic) typically come from?

How much has production cost changed and how is this reflected in prices?

Many of these scanners only operate on earlier operating systems. What happens when compatability is not longer easily accessible?

What residue is left on the surface after scanning?

Are these machine neutral objects? Why or why not?

Why are these machines not as aesthetically pleasing as perhaps some of the computer system designs by Apple and Dell? How does this speak to what they symbolize?

How is scanning on these machines different than contemporary work?

What does the dimensions of the machine influence? How does the 8"x14.5" flatbed display of these machines produce certain types of knowledge?



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