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Future Plans


Videos- I didn't have time to include any videos of the exhibit since it took me between 15-20 hours to get machines even working/unscrewing screws. I would ultimately like to have videos of each scanner so that online users can experience the exhibit more in full.


Blog Posts- I would like to add more detailed blog posts so that users can understand the process of creating this exhibit. Again this comes down to time issues.


Global Map- I would like to expand on the global map. It takes anywhere between 15 minutes and two hours to find manufacturing plants. This multiple by the hundreds of transistors and capacitors and wires equals many man hours. Furthermore many of the factories have been bought out by other companies so unfortunately it comes down to educated guesses. I would really like to try to catalogue the approximate location of all the parts in the Microtek scanner.


More tables- I would add another table for the other scanners as well as little information tags.


Instructions- I need to print out instructions as to how to use the Apple computer and scanner. Right now I have it set up but I harvested a computer from the front room as I spent 3-4 hours trying to get other computers to work. Due to issues of writing on floppy disks and lack of internet connectivity, I eventually had to use the front computer. Therefore it isn't permanent. Once I get a permanent computer I can write out specific instructions.


Posters- I would like to print out and laminate three posters for the MAL space. One on "how it works" so that visitors can see how flatbed scanners actually work, one on the global map and one with all the questions on the scanners page. 

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